Thursday, January 28, 2010

Little Wendell Lad's Popcorn

Popcorn Kernels
Nutritional Yeast.
Dry Dill.
Veg. Oil.

I've never come up with an exact measure, but MOTHER OF GOD, it's good. I'm like 3000 miles from Little Lad's, so this is what I've been junking on. Mmm.... So good for those late-night biking fire-camp toasty-rides. Shit yeah. I've been known to carry them for lengths of time, waiting until someone says those words "I'm hungry."

Green chili enchiladas

Well, here's one I've been playing with more these days. I played and adapted with a recipe I learned from a real M.. Man from south of the boarder. True stuff. Tasty stuff, too.

Two parts to this, the sauce and the filling.


2 tomatoes
1 bunch cilantro
1 onion
5 cloves garlic
3 of those little cans of green chilis
and about 3 cups of veg. stock? I use a medium sauce pan and just fill it until it's about a 1/2 inch from the brim.

Take those ingredients (chunk up the onion & tomatoes) and bring to a boil, let go for a bit... 20 mins or so, while you're preparing the filling. Oh, I don't actually add the green chilies until after the boiling. They're already cooked if you buy the canned ones. Though I will mention, I had someone else recommend using Pablano Peppers and roast them (oven or over a grill) until the skin is blackened, then let them cool, take the skin off and the seeds out and use those instead of the can. I haven't tried this yet, but I want to one of these days.


1 onion, minced
5 cloves garlic, minced
2 celery stalks, minced
maybe some more cilantro, if you want
and some jalapenoes
something akin to taco seasoning (cumin, coriander, a dash of chili powder, smoked paprika)
2 packages tofu, pressed and even frozen/thawed if you want (it adds a chewier/meatier texture, but I get impatient. Hell, half the time I don't even press mine, just squeeze it over the sink before crumbling it.)
1/2 can of beer

You can probably assume the directions here, but: saute the onion/celery/garlic until done (like 5 mins) then add the rest of the filling's ingredients and continue sauteing until the liquid is mostly gone.

Whilst that goes in the pan, take yer sauce and blend it up with the green chilies (immersion blenders are a godsend, but a regular blender will work) until smooth.

Dip your corn tortillas (the little ones that people use for enchiladas... I don't know, they're probably like 6 inch or so?) in the sauce for a minute or so to soften them, then fill each with a few tablespoons of the filling. Roll 'em up and place them seal-down in an oiled pyrex pan (those glass baking pans). Once they're all done, pour the sauce in (I usually have sauce left since you just want to cover the enchiladas. This does freeze well and you can use it again in a month if you want) the pan, then cover with wax paper & aluminum foil (unless you like the old-timers disease, then you can skip the wax paper). Bake it covered @ 350 for like... 30 mins, then uncover and top with cheese (recipe below) and bake another 15 mins or so. Basically until the sauce is mostly gone and they're super tasty.

Vegan Cheese Sauce:

I don't know if I've posted _this_ cheese sauce, but I've been using it a lot recently in a number of things.

2 cups *cold* veg. stock
1/2 cup flour
about... 1 cup nutritional yeast
onion powder
garlic powder
2 tsp. yellow or dijon mustard

Whisk that up (if that stock isn't cold, the flour will not incorporate) then bring to a boil. Make sure to whisk it while cooking, though, or else the flour will settle and burn. keep a close eye and remove once thick. For use in mexi dishes, you can add some of those other seasons aforementioned, like cumin, coriander, paprika, chili, etc.

Pico De Gallo

Or however it's spelled.

2 onions
about.... 4 tomatoes? You want the ratio to be about... 1.5 chunks of tomato per chunk of onion
juice of 1/2 a lemon
salt... More salt than you would think... maybe... I don't measure but maybe 4 tsp? A balance should be met between lemon & salt as they work against/together.
1/2 bunch of cilantro, or whatever you like
1 or 2 jalapenoes.

The onions & tomatoes should be a small dice, the jalapeno & cilantro minced.

Guacamole is about the same... Actually, I have gotten away with just taking 1/3 of my pico de gallo and adding about 2 or 3 avocados, another 1/2 onion, and some minced garlic.

Damn, I'm hungry....